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About The Tool


The tool has tree main parts; Issue classification model, the plugin APIs, and the Jira plugin.

More Details: Issue Labeler is a plugin for Jira , which utilizes a deep neural language model to predict an issue's type based on its title and description. Specifically, the plugin would classify an issue into three types: bug, improvement, or new feature. The issue-labeler plugin was implemented by fine-tuning Google's pre-trained ALBERT language model, using 42,514 labeled issue reports extracted from 77 projects. The plugin showed an average of 67% across the 3 issue categories in terms of F1-score. The plugin will provide developers with a tool that recommends issue labels to, in turn, optimize the process of tagging and resolving these issues. The tool has tree main parts; Issue classification model, the model, plugin APIs, and the Jira plugin.

Issue Labeler Model
Google ALBERT model
Issue Labeler Jira Plugin
Jira plugin
Open Source
GitHub repository

Set up

The following are the steps to set up the plugin.

Our Amazing Team


Abdulrahman Aleid

Lead Developer


Dr. Ilyes Jenhani



Dr. Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer



Waleed Alhindi

Lead Developer


Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University


Rochester Institute of Technology

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